BABYBJORN Comfort Carrier, Black, Organic
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"BABYBJORN Comfort Carrier, Black, Organic" Feature
Ergonomic and comfortable carrying. Adjustable waist belt so most of weight distributed onto hips. Adjustable shoulder straps for optimal weight distribution and pressure point relief. Flexible carrying positions. Child can face inward or outward. Maximum weight facing forwards is 26 lbs.. Child's leg position can be alternated between normal and wide. Easy to put on and take off without assistance. Harmless to children's sensitive skin and will not trigger allergies. Meets Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). Oeko-Tex Standard 100, class I certified. Machine washable. Made from 95% organically grown cotton and 5% polyester. Age group: Three months to two years. Weight capacity: 13 to 31 lbs.. Owners Manuals Our latest baby carrier, the BabyBjorn Comfort Carrier is a safe and comfortable baby carrier for those who wants to carry their children up to the age of two. Makes carrying possible for longer periods of time, without putting too much strain on your back. Developed in collaboration with medical experts.